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Services to heal, grow & transform from the inside out.

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A safe, nurturing space for individuals to heal, grow, and transform holistically. Through workshops, circles, and one-on-one sessions, participants are empowered to find clarity and alignment, fostering personal growth and collective well-being. Their purpose is to inspire holistic wellness, embracing mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth, while building a thriving, inclusive community that encourages connection and creativity.

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Jeff Tessier combines life coaching and hypnotherapy to guide individuals through deep self-discovery, helping to unlock hidden potential and overcome limiting beliefs. By addressing both the conscious and subconscious mind, this approach leads to lasting personal transformation and empowerment.

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Carmyn Faye’s energy healing sessions help clients restore emotional and physical balance, deepen self-awareness, and foster spiritual growth. Using personalized techniques, she holds space for individuals to become their own healers and embrace a more harmonious, connected life.

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This service, led by Jeff and Carmyn, blends life coaching, hypnotherapy, sound & energy healing for a holistic healing experience. It offers deep insights into the subconscious while providing practical support to integrate those revelations into everyday life.

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Online Course

A 6-week program designed to shift you from merely surviving to thriving. Through meditation, emotional intelligence, and mindset shifts, you’ll learn to cultivate inner peace and fulfillment. With coaching and practical tools, the course empowers you to navigate life’s challenges with clarity, balance, and purpose, encouraging holistic personal growth.

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A movement designed to empower construction professionals to reclaim control over their lives and well-being. It offers tools, strategies, and personalized coaching to help individuals overcome stress, burnout, and unhealthy patterns while fostering personal growth and work-life balance. Through a holistic approach, participants learn to reconnect with their inner strength, break limiting patterns, and build confidence, all while advancing their careers and enhancing their overall quality of life.

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Over the past five years, we’ve been on a journey of personal awakening that transformed our lives. Like many, we once used distractions to avoid facing deeper truths, which kept us from living authentically. But eventually, a strong inner voice—a knowing, an intuition—pushed us to break free and start choosing ourselves. We realized we were worthy of something better and decided to rebuild trust in ourselves, regaining control over our lives, emotions, and actions.

Jeff’s journey began with a powerful awakening, leading him to explore the connection between his thoughts, emotions, and the world around him. He now focuses on helping others reconnect with their inner truth and embrace personal transformation. Through coaching & hypnotherapy, Jeff provides tools to align your life with your intentions, empowering you to shift limiting beliefs and take conscious action toward your goals.

Carmyn is a soul coach and energy worker who rediscovered her true self by slowing down, embracing the unknown, and tapping into the healing power of the universe. Introduced to energetic healing at a young age, she specializes in practices like energy work, somatic embodiment, and other spiritual modalities. Carmyn’s passion lies in helping others remember their innate ability to heal, offering a safe space for you to unleash your natural intelligence and expand into your fullest self.

Through our combined experiences, we’ve learned that we are the creators of our own experiences, and we now want to share what we’ve discovered with you. Together, we provide a unique blend of coaching and energetic healing designed to guide you toward a more vibrant, aligned life. Whether you’re seeking to rebuild trust in yourself, explore your intuition, or heal old wounds, we offer personalized coaching, energy work, and spiritual guidance to support your journey.

Our mission is to help you reconnect with your natural wisdom, navigate life’s challenges, and step into your true potential with clarity and confidence.


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Learn how to get clear and create positive change in your life with "Reimagined Life".

Get Our Free Guide

Learn how to be your own best healer with “A Beginners Guide To Self Healing” 

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