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With your Life Coach & Hypnotherapist Jeff Tessier.




Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy

Change Your Mind, Change Your Life. With Coach and Hypnotherapist Jeff Tessier.

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Integrative Care

We have combined our favorite things to create the most healing experience for you. Dive Deep With Jeff & Carmyn.

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Healing Guidance & Energy Healing

Transform Your Energy & Be Your Own Best Healer with Your Guide Carmyn Faye.

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"And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." – Anaïs Nin


Discover your true potential with Reimagined Consciousness. Our five-year journey in mastering self-discovery has equipped us to guide you through positive change and personal growth. If you're ready to break free from stagnation, make empowering choices, and embrace a new beginning, our holistic approach infuses life-changing self-awareness with the joy of mindful living.

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Integrative Care: Navigating the Depths of Self-Discovery

With Jeff & Carmyn

Integrative Care offers a unique and transformative experience, combining the strengths of Life Coaching, Hypnotherapy, and Energy Healing. This approach provides an experience akin to a psychedelic trip, rich with insights and revelations. However, unlike a solitary journey, Integrative Care involves continuous guidance and support from skilled facilitators, ensuring not only a profound journey of discovery but also the integration of these insights into your everyday life.

The Integrative Care Experience:

  1. Guided Deep Dive into the Psyche: Similar to a psychedelic experience, Integrative Care takes you on a deep dive into your subconscious, unveiling hidden truths and insights about yourself.

  2. Continuous Support and Guidance: Throughout this journey, our experienced facilitators guide you, ensuring a safe and enlightening experience, assisting you in navigating through the complex layers of your psyche.

  3. Integration into Daily Life: The key difference in Integrative Care is the focus on integrating these profound insights into your daily life, facilitating lasting transformation and growth.

Key Positives of Integrative Care:

  1. Richness of Insight: This approach offers a depth of understanding and self-awareness comparable to a psychedelic experience, revealing aspects of your subconscious clearly and insightfully.

  2. Safe and Supported Journey: With expert facilitators guiding each step, this journey ensures a safe and nurturing environment, allowing you to explore and discover with confidence and comfort.

  3. Practical Application for Lasting Change: Beyond just experiencing insights, Integrative Care focuses on how to apply these revelations in your daily life, providing practical tools and strategies for lasting personal growth and transformation.

Reflecting the essence of this journey, Anaïs Nin eloquently stated, "We do not see things as they are, we see them as we are." Integrative Care offers a profound exploration of the self, not just to see but to transform how you perceive and engage with the world. It is an invitation to reshape your reality from within, carrying forward the wisdom and insights gained into every aspect of your life.

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Discover the Transformative Power of Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy

Welcome to the world of life coaching and hypnotherapy, where self-discovery and transformation are at the heart of a journey towards personal excellence. Imagine your mind as a vast ocean, with its surface reflecting your conscious thoughts and actions. Life coaching is like a skilled navigator helping you chart a course through these waters, unveiling new perspectives and empowering strategies. Meanwhile, hypnotherapy dives deeper, exploring the ocean's depths to unlock the hidden treasures of your subconscious, enabling profound and lasting change.

Three Key Positives of Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy:

  1. Unlocking Potential: Life coaching and hypnotherapy are keys to unlocking your hidden potential. Like discovering a map to a treasure chest you always carried, these practices reveal abilities, strengths, and desires previously obscured by the hustle of daily life or the shadows of subconscious blocks.

  2. Guided Transformation: Imagine a caterpillar's metamorphosis into a butterfly; this is the essence of these therapies. They guide you through a process of self-transformation, helping shed limiting beliefs and negative patterns, akin to the caterpillar shedding its cocoon to emerge with new wings.

  3. Empowerment for Future Success: These practices not only address current challenges but also equip you with tools for future resilience. Like learning to sail, once you master the skills, you can navigate any storm and reach new, exciting destinations.

In the words of Carl Gustav Jung, "Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes." Life coaching and hypnotherapy invite you to look inside, awakening to a life of greater fulfillment, purpose, and joy.

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“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed.”
― Terence McKenna

Unraveling the Essence of Energy Healing and Healing Guidance

With Carmyn Faye

Imagine yourself as a dynamic ecosystem. Your energy is like water – essential, life-giving, and constantly flowing. However, life's challenges and stresses can be like a tumultuous storm, muddying your waters and disrupting the delicate balance of your ecology. Energy Healing and Healing Guidance are the restorative processes that clear the debris, settle the silt, and restore clarity and flow, allowing you to thrive.

Carmyn Faye's approach to Energy Healing and Guidance is not just about rejuvenation but also similar to life coaching, offering deeper insight and support in navigating the complexities of your life, energy and inner world.

What You Will Gain:

  1. A personalized healing journey tailored to your unique emotional and spiritual needs.
  2. Expert guidance combining energy healing techniques with life coaching principles to navigate life’s challenges.
  3. Tools and practices to enhance your self-awareness, build resilience, and foster a deeper connection with your inner self.

Key Benefits:

  1. Emotional and Physical Harmony: Energy Healing aligns your emotional and physical states, much like a river that smoothly navigates its course, ensuring every part of the habitat receives its life-sustaining benefits. This alignment fosters a sense of well-being, reduces stress, and enhances physical health.

  2. Enhanced Self-Awareness and Intuition: Engaging in this practice is like deepening your roots into the earth, strengthening your connection with your inner self. This heightened awareness leads to better decision-making, increased creativity, and a stronger sense of intuition.

  3. Spiritual Growth and Healing: Just as an ecosystem evolves and adapts, Energy Healing and Healing Guidance facilitate your spiritual evolution, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. This growth fosters a sense of peace, purpose, and connectedness.

In the journey of self-discovery and healing, remember the words of Carmyn Faye, "You are your own best healer." By integrating the practices of Energy Healing and Healing Guidance into your life, you unlock your limitless potential as a WHOLE. This ride is not just about healing; it's about thriving on a path of a more loving, balanced, and harmonious self.

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Welcome to my story!


My journey into life coaching, meditation, and hypnotherapy started not in a classroom but through a series of life-changing motorcycle accidents and a near-fatal head injury. These events were my wake-up call, leading me on a transformative five-year journey deep into psychology, emotions, and the mind-body connection.

Once an electrician for 15 years, I realized my true calling lay in guiding others through their healing and self-discovery journeys. My approach is deeply rooted in experimentation, self-study, and exploration of plant medicines, granting me profound insights into the workings of the mind. I specialize in leading clients through deep inner work, unlocking their potential and revealing empowering possibilities.

My official training began in 2019 with meditation teacher training, which quickly evolved into life coaching a year later. After having success, I decided to explore Hypnotherapy for my own journey; I then became very fascinated with the practice. I followed my curiosity and desire to help into getting certified in 2022, which improved my understanding of the mind and my client's results.

I've helped individuals clarify their desires, overcome limiting beliefs, and make significant life changes from weight loss to financial management, healing trauma to challenging cultural norms, and exploring authenticity to balancing internal masculine and feminine energies. My coaching focuses on breaking free from limiting conditioning to create a thriving and authentic life.

Beyond coaching, I'm an avid adventurer and continuous learner. I love motorcycles, mountain biking, freediving, scuba diving, world travelling, and exploring the natural world. My partner, Carmyn Faye, and I run Reimagined Consciousness, offering workshops, retreats and private sessions that combine our passions and expertise.

My personal philosophy, "Change your mind, change your life," is the foundation of my course, "Reimagined Mind: From Surviving to Thriving." This course culminates my professional and personal journey, reflecting my commitment to helping others find fulfillment and authenticity. Achieving my dream of travelling 4-6 months each year, I'm living proof of the freedom and growth I advocate in my teachings.

Join me on this transformative journey to discover your authentic self and craft your dream life!

Soul Coach & Energy Healer

Welcome to a world where the mystical intertwines with the every day, where the power of healing and transformation is not just a possibility, but a reality.

HI! I'm Carmyn Faye, your guide on this journey of self-discovery and profound healing.

My path to becoming an Energy Healer was nurtured from a young age, in a home where the extraordinary was ordinary. My mother, a yoga teacher, home daycare provider and beacon of wisdom and love, introduced me to the realms of energy, vibration, and frequency. She instilled in me the belief that our bodies are capable of miraculous healing.

This upbringing included nightly practices of visualizing protective auras and connecting with spirit guides, which ignited in me a lifelong fascination with the spiritual world.

As I grew, so did my understanding of the unseen. I was surrounded by stories of past lives and mystical beings, fueling my belief that there's much more to our existence than what meets the eye. My practice deepened through personal encounters with spirit during healing sessions and feeling the bounds of reality expand, reaffirming my connection to the metaphysical.

A pivotal moment of transformation came 3 years ago, a period of deep introspection and self-realization. It was then that I truly understood the power of choice and self-love. This awakening led me further to immerse myself in energy work and embodiment practices, marking the start of an intensive period of self-healing and growth. My exploration included both psychoactive and non-psychoactive plant medicines like psilocybin and other mushrooms, which opened new avenues of healing for my mind and body. During this period, with the help of these medicines, my personal modalities grew tremendously and ignited a desire to share these gifts with those who seek them.

My journey wasn't without challenges. Initially, I grappled with feelings of imposter syndrome. However, I realized that true healing comes from the heart, and my experiences and intentions were more than enough qualification. This breakthrough led me to passionately embrace teaching, helping others to unlock their own healing potential.

Now, I guide others to find their own path to healing, reminding them that the answers they seek lie within. My partner, Jeff Tessier, and I have witnessed incredible transformations in our clients, particularly during our Integrative Care sessions and retreats, where individuals tap into their innate power and authentic selves.

In my practice, I blend traditional and modern healing techniques. Staying grounded in Taoism principles and a wide range of other ancient healing wisdom, I also enjoy embracing my own carefully curated healing style from the past 5 years, which allows me to offer a rich, holistic approach to healing that is true to my heart.


To those embarking on their own journey of self-discovery and healing, remember: your inner wisdom is your greatest healer. Embrace your journey with bravery, love, and compassion, and know that in healing yourself, you contribute to the world's healing.

Join me, Carmyn Faye, on this exciting adventure toward a life filled with vibrancy, love, and profound transformation.


Join The REIMAGINED MIND 6-week online course at an exclusive one-time offer!

With your Life Coach & Hypnotherapist Jeff Tessier.